If you are looking for a great place to serve, Calvary Baptist has an area for everybody!
Nurseries are available during Sunday School, church, and most scheduled activities. Two separate nurseries provide individual attention for each child. Trained workers are hand picked to offer a safe, fun atmosphere. We can accommodate ages birth thru four years old. You can better enjoy the service knowing your child is secure and well cared for. We use the KidCheck check-in system to assure your child is safe. Please go to if you would like more information and to sign up for your free KidCheck account before coming to church so that checking in your child is simple.
We have ministered to inmates at the Illinois River Correctional Center for many years. Once incarcerated, many inmates feel abandoned by friends, family, and even God. Our goal is to spread the Gospel and let them know that the Lord still loves them.
Peoria Rescue Mission
On a regular basis, men from our church preach and minister to those staying at the Peoria Rescue Mission. Our workers have a unique insight into the plight of these men. The men at the mission can perceive our care and sincerity; and open their hearts to the message of hope. Our ladies get involved by baking homemade treats to be distributed after the service.
Our PRM services are the 3rd Monday of Feb/Apr/June/Aug/Oct/Dec at 7:30pm.
Music Ministry
The ministry of music is one of the dearest to the heart of God. At Calvary Baptist Church we desire, foremost, to keep our music pleasing to Him. Godly, practiced musicians provide the necessary prelude needed to prime hearts to hear God's message from God's man. Heart stirring music is enjoyed at each service.
Bus Ministry
Our blue buses have been rolling for 33 years. Each week a fleet of dedicated workers visit, love, care, and transport children, teens, and adults to church. The ride to church includes singing, activities, games, contests, rewards, and a Bible lesson. Our trained CDL drivers, inspected buses, and character filled workers tirelessly reach all areas of Fulton County.
Senior Luncheon
Periodically during the year, our Senior Saints enjoy a nice luncheon and fellowship.
Welcome Desk/Greeters
First impressions are lasting, and our Welcome Desk & Greeters do a great job! They are ready to shake a hand, open a door, answer a question, or help with parking your car. Folks with a heart for others, cheerfully welcome all those who attend Calvary Baptist Church.
Kid's Bible Adventure
Our Kid's Bible Adventure program meets on Wednesday evenings during the regular church service. The kids earn Bible principles, memorize Scripture, and play games. It is for ages 4 years old to 6th grade.
Junior Church
A Junior Church program is provided for ages 4yrs thru the sixth grade on Sunday mornings at 10:30. Children are taught character and morals using exciting, interactive, age appropriate preaching. The service includes skits, games, singing, puppet shows, and crazy times. There is NEVER a dull moment in Junior Church!
Book Store
Behind the fish aquarium in our foyer you will find the Calvary Baptist Book Store. We keep it stocked with helpful books, great music CDs, and many different King James Bibles.
Midwest Food Bank
Calvary Baptist is an approved distribution point for Midwest Food Bank. Once a month food pantry items are brought from Midwest Food Bank in Peoria and distributed to those in need after our midweek service. Please check our church calender for distribution dates each month.
The Pathfinders department is a special needs ministry of Calvary. Adults with developmental handicaps are welcomed and cared for by experienced workers. There is Bible teaching on their level during Sunday School and a special meeting at a group home during the week. Love and acceptance are the foundations of this ministry.
Sunday School
Practical, timely Bible teaching is available during Sunday School. We have classes for all ages with 5 different adult classes to choose from: